Self-archiving of theses at RITEC as a graduation requirement to facilitate the administrative process and ensure the preservation of the institutional memory




self-archiving, open access, theses, institutional repositories


The importance of promoting the green road has been discussed as one of the main ways of increasing the stock of institutional repositories. The self-archiving of theses has its own challenges, such as a deposit flow that ensures a quick response to students to proceed with their graduation, while it must guarantee adequate time for the correct cataloguing of materials for their visibility, preser- vation and management; the review of contents to follow up in case they con- tain inventive activity and a patent process must be followed, as well as to perform personal data protection processes and even protection of the docu- ment or related metadata by editorial processes. This document shares the ex- perience of the Tecnológico de Monterrey’s Institutional Repository (RITEC) to successfully implement thesis self-archiving, the advantages for students and academic management, how to ensure the preservation of institutional memo- ry, the workflow for thesis deposit and the profiles involved and the processes. Finally we will talk about the XML transformation and medium term challenges.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Palacios, S. M. del P. (2020). Self-archiving of theses at RITEC as a graduation requirement to facilitate the administrative process and ensure the preservation of the institutional memory. Congreso CAyRI: Conference Proceedings, 1, 29–44.