Caxcan Institutional Repository of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas as a catalyst of academic accountability and productivity




institutional repository, open science, open literatura, accountability, scientific productivity


The present work reports the history of an Institutional Repository for the Uni- versidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, as an element that allowed the accountabil- ity of institutional academic production for the first time in history, but that still represents a challenge due to the current forms of communication of sci- ence that exist in the different areas of knowledge within the institution. The development of the IR included the evaluation of the state of accountability of academic production, as well as an assessment and awareness process that allowed the modeling of the first platform of compilation of academic produc- tion in the history of the University. As part of the approach to the researchers, structured interviews were carried out, information that allowed to find out the state of the institutional accountability and to offer a work proposal to allow the use of the IR, which contributed to the use of the platform in an in- stitutional way. Currently, the IR works regularly and compiles almost 2,000 documents. The challenge now lies in thinking about future challenges and adding other developments and updates for the platform while continuing with the training and awareness of researchers.


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How to Cite

García-Guerrero, M. (2020). Caxcan Institutional Repository of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas as a catalyst of academic accountability and productivity. Congreso CAyRI: Conference Proceedings, 1, 13–27.