Implementing a metasearch engine for grouping of open digital resources from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León




metaearch engine, metadata, repositories, digital resources


This work reports on the implementation of a meta search engine (aggregator) to solve the problem of dispersion of the different resources in Open Access that the Autonomous University of Nuevo León currently has and to concen- trate everything in a single search portal and metadata harvest. The foregoing responding to the need to make all the research done with public resources

accessible, but also to give visibility to the scientific contributions made in the institution and the digital resources (like cultural heritage) that originate in it itself. In this way, it is proposed to use an aggregator that allows compiling all university production and with this not only comply with legal guidelines but also provide tools to the university community itself to share and promote the research work that is carried out.


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How to Cite

Salas-Zendejo, D. (2020). Implementing a metasearch engine for grouping of open digital resources from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. Congreso CAyRI: Conference Proceedings, 1, 45–55.